Defending Clients Against Charges Of Drunk Driving
Have you been accused of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), also known as driving while intoxicated (DWI), or driving while ability impaired (DWAI)? Have you been accused of driving under the influence of drugs (DUID)? An experienced lawyer can stand up for your rights and help you fight these charges. At Pearson & Paris, P.C., we have more than 50 years of combined experience. Of equal or perhaps more importance is the fact that our top criminal defense attorney is a former senior prosecutor who knows how district attorneys approach DUI cases. That is knowledge we will put to use to defend you.
Call us at 303-872-4719 in the Greater Denver area or toll free at 303-872-4719 across Colorado for an initial consultation at reduced Rates. You can also contact us online.
Investigation Of Drunk Driving Charges
When a person is pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving and submits to tests that come back showing a blood alcohol level of .08 or more, the evidence suggests that the person is guilty of DUI, at least on the surface.
Our attorneys go beneath the surface, asking questions and investigating all of the details. Were there grounds for the police to make the stop in the first place? How were the field sobriety tests handled? Was the breath test administered properly? Was there a blood test? Was that test performed in accordance with guidelines outlined by the Board of Health? Answers to these questions often lead to opportunities.
Field sobriety tests are subjective. The bloodshot eyes a police officer sees as reason for search and seizure could actually be caused by allergies. The smell of alcohol could have been the result of a spilled drink, not a consumed one. When drugs are found to be the cause, cases become even more subjective. There is no .08 for drugs. Then there is the issue of medical marijuana use. Our attorneys are skilled at addressing all variables to get optimal results.
DMV Hearings And Drunk Driving Charges
DWAI/DUI and DUID charges are unique because they create two separate but related cases: the criminal charge that is handled in criminal courts and the driver’s license revocation case. Our lawyers handle both. We will represent you at your hearing before the Department of Motor Vehicles and do everything we can to protect your driving privileges.
Call us at 303-872-4719 in the Greater Denver area or toll free across Colorado at 303-872-4719 for an initial consultation at reduced Rates. You can also contact us online.