When someone is caught handling, manufacturing or selling illicit drugs, then they can be charged with drug possession. Drug possession can lead to criminal consequences, such as incarceration and fines imposed by the state. However, some people experience harsher...
Criminal Defense
Drivers may not realize how impaired they are
Whenever there is a drunk driving arrest or even a car accident, people will sometimes say that they can’t believe the person was driving while they were impaired. At the same time, the driver may claim that they thought that it would be safe to drive and that they...
Is it a crime to possess a gun while drunk?
Although Colorado doesn’t require persons to secure a permit to purchase a gun nor does the state have any requirement for firearm registration, it does have strict laws about gun handling. It’s against state law to knowingly aim a gun at another person. It’s also...
Is it a crime to spike someone’s drink?
Data rape is one of the most heinous crimes that anyone can commit. Forcing someone into an unwanted sexual activity is a form of violence, and date rape targets are often people in their late teens to early twenties. To commit date rape, some people spike their...
Chop shops are illegal in Colorado
You can visit an auto repair shop if your car needs repairs or replacement parts. Most auto repair shops are licensed to perform services and repairs and even have original equipment manufacturer (OEM) certification to ensure that the parts they use are authentic and...
Criminal Case 404(b) Evidence
In Colorado criminal trials, the prosecution is generally prohibited from presenting evidence of a Defendant’s prior bad acts. For example, a Defendant is charged with committing assault on Jan 1, 2023. The Defendant assaulted a different person on July 4, 2015. The...
Knowing the difference between theft and robbery
Theft and robbery may sound similar, but they are two distinct crimes under Colorado law. The penalties for each also differ. What sets theft and robbery apart? And what are the penalties a person can face if convicted of either? Theft A person can be charged with...
2 reasons a Colorado traffic stop may not yield useful evidence
What starts as a simple traffic stop in Colorado can quickly escalate into a life-altering interaction for a motorist. Police officers who believe that they have uncovered proof of criminal activity, like impaired driving, may arrest someone whom they initially only...
Risky teen driving increases in the summer
Teens have finished classes and taken their final tests and now take the summer off from school. While they may dedicate themselves to a summer job, they will likely spend more time with friends, staying up late and having fun. Unfortunately, this to-do list can prove...
Establishing reasonable doubt can be a crucial defense
Many who watch courtroom dramas or police shows hear "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." It is a common term but often essential to proving one's innocence. The prosecution has the burden of proof on this matter, and it's the defense attorney's job to establish...