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Temporary Orders Hearings

by | Aug 8, 2023 | Family Law |

Temporary Orders Hearings are authorized pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, C.R.S. 14-10-108. “Temporary Orders” are orders that last until your case has been fully resolved by either reaching an agreement (i.e., settlement, separation agreement, and/or parenting plan), or until you have gone to a Permanent Orders Hearing and the Court has issued orders regarding all outstanding issues. Temporary Orders can be requested in a proceeding for dissolution of marriage, legal separation, the allocation of parental responsibilities, or declaration of invalidity of marriage or a proceeding for disposition of property, maintenance, or support. During a Temporary Orders Hearing, the parties present evidence and testimony to the court regarding their respective positions on issues such as spousal maintenance (i.e., alimony), child support, division of marital property, and child custody. The judge then makes Temporary Orders that will remain in effect until the final hearing.

Temporary Orders Hearings are often requested at an Initial Status Conference. Common reasons to request a Temporary Orders Hearing include: (1) a spouse needs spousal maintenance to meet his or her reasonable needs during the pendency of the divorce, (2) a spouse/parent requires court orders to obtain custody or visitation, (3) a spouse/parent needs child support to meet the needs of the kid(s) during his or her parenting time, and (4) the parties disagree regarding whether certain expert witnesses are needed, or disagree regarding a particular proposed expert witness being appointed.


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