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How Colorado supports primary caregivers for children after divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 1, 2023 | Family Law |

Suppose you’re getting divorced and are concerned about getting enough child support. In that case, you’ll be pleased to know that child support is an important issue for Denver courts.

The judge overseeing your divorce will consider the cost of raising the children until they are adults or are otherwise emancipated. Furthermore, since Colorado considers child support your child’s right, the courts may overrule any agreements that offer substantially less than what is suggested by the Child Support Guidelines.

What are Colorado’s child support guidelines?

Child support guidelines provide criteria based on what you and your co-parent would likely have spent on the child’s care, if you weren’t getting a divorce. Below are factors accounted for when calculating child support:

  • Both parents’ gross income
  • The number of overnights the child spends with each parent
  • Expenses specific to the child, such as health insurance, daycare or private school

Please note that the child support guidelines aren’t written in stone. But, while they’re only presumptive, and a judge may deviate from the guidelines for a good cause, deviations are rare.

How is child support spent?

As the primary caregiver, you may worry that your co-parent might loom over you and monitor how you spend child support money. Well, you’ll be pleased to know that the co-parent ordered by the court to pay child support cannot control how the money gets spent. Colorado child support law presumes that the funds are spent on the children.

Furthermore, your co-parent isn’t permitted to offset child support by making specific purchases. If they choose to buy the kids toys and clothes, the amount spent won’t be deducted from the agreed-upon child support payments.

What if my co-parent refuses to pay child support?

If your co-parent refuses to pay child support, you can request an income garnishment so your co-parent’s employer can deduct child support before your ex gets paid. A direct deposit to your account without needing to remind your co-parent of their obligation can help relieve conflicts and allow you to focus on providing for the kids.

Determining how much children support your co-parent should pay to sustain the children can be challenging. Therefore, you should feel free to seek legal guidance at any time to better advocate for your kids’ well-being.

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