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4 facts about distracted and fatigued driving

On Behalf of | Mar 15, 2017 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

All drivers need to have their full attention on the road in order to remain safe. Distracted and fatigued drivers can cause problems for other people on the roadways. These drivers aren’t able to pay attention so they can drive in a safe manner. They might be slow to react to hazards or the flow of traffic, which can lead to an accident. Victims of these crashes often want to know what the cause was, especially if they plan to seek compensation for the injuries they suffered.

#1: Distractions come in several forms

Distractions come in many forms, including eating, drinking and using a cellphone. Even talking to other passengers or paying attention to a GPS navigation device can distract a driver enough to cause a crash. The issue with doing other tasks while driving is that those other tasks take the driver’s focus off the road. Multitasking means the driver’s cognitive focus isn’t on the driving duties.

#2: Fatigued driving isn’t necessarily sleepy driving

Driver fatigue is another serious problem in the United States. Drivers don’t necessarily have to be tired to be fatigued. Road hypnosis, which occurs when the lull of the road and other factors send the driver into a daze of sorts, can also lead to fatigued driving. Medications, alcohol consumption and lack of sleep can also lead to fatigued driving.

#3: Preventing distracted and fatigued driving is possible

Drivers can prevent distracted and fatigued driving by paying attention to the road and how they feel. To stop distractions, drivers can wait to make phone calls or texts until they stop. Even using hands-free devices for this isn’t a foolproof method to prevent distracted driving. The driver can also stop doing other things, such as eating or putting on makeup in the vehicle, while he or she drives.

To combat fatigue, drivers can make sure they get enough sleep before a trip. They can also make sure they don’t try to drive long stents without stopping. Listening to upbeat music, rolling the windows down, driving with someone else in the vehicle to help you stay awake and drinking small amounts of caffeine can help drivers remain awake for short periods until they find a place to stop.

#4: Victims of distracted or fatigued driving crashes can seek compensation

When you are the victim of a distracted or fatigued driving accident, you can opt to seek compensation. This compensation can include claims for medical bill payments, income you didn’t earn and other financial damages you suffered.

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